Minbu, 11 October

Minbu Township has targeted to grow more than 1,700 acres of summer paddy, according the Township Agriculture Department.

“Summer paddy will be cultivated with irrigation networks provided by dams, hydropower and water pumps projects. Mezali Dam will supply adequate irrigation water for 957 acres,  Kanni River water pumping project will cover 100 acres, the Kyauksan water pumping project will support 100 acres and the underground irrigation networks will provide water for 575 acres, totaling 1,700 acres,” said U Zaw Min Thu, deputy staff officer from the Township Agriculture Department.

In order to increase the yields of summer paddy, the Township Agriculture Department is providing the training, field inspection, distributing of pamphlets, conducting awareness, providing technical assistance and good-quality paddy seeds to local farmers.—U Win Naing

Translated by JT