3rd MCF Cup Winter Traditional Chinlone Competition begins

The 3rd Myanmar Chinlone Federation-MCF Cup Winter Traditional Chinlone (cane ball) competition was opened at Thuwunna Stadium in Yan­gon yesterday.


Yangon Region Advo­cate-General U Htay Aung, in his capacity as Chairman of the Yangon Region Sports and Physical Education Commit­tee, and U Thet Lwin, presi­dent of the Myanmar Chinlone Federation, delivered opening speeches.


“Today’s event is an annual competition that includes three types of competition. In the tra­ditional Chinlone competition, the highest level is the 10-pair competition, the six-pair com­petition and the four women’s pair competition, which are usu­ally held in regions and states. In previous years, it was prior­itized so that more teams could come to play. Still, this year, due to priority invitation for talent, 21 teams participated,” said U Thet Lwin, president of the Myanmar Chinlone Federation.


Aiming to promote the widespread development of Chinlone sports in all parts of Myanmar and the emergence of a new generation of Chinlone athletes, the winter traditional Chinlone competition will be held for four days from 26 to 29 December. About 210 ath­letes from various regions and states will compete, and the first, second and third prizes will be awarded. — Lin Yama/ KZL