Myanmar Consul General in St Petersburg takes part in events marking 80th anniversary of escaping Leningrad from fascist invaders

Myanmar Consul General U Aung Pe Thet of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in St Petersburg took part in events marking the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Lenin­grad from the fascist invaders.


This event is of particular importance for the city and all of Russia, because the siege of Leningrad is one of the most terrible pages in the history of the country. For 872 days, from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944, the city was surrounded by enemy forces, deprived of food and basic resources, and subjected to mass starvation and bombing. However, Len­ingraders did not give up and continued to resist.


The importance of this he­roic victory is recognized out­side Russia. That is why rep­resentatives of the diplomatic and consular corps of friendly countries were present at the event organized in honour of the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad. Their participation emphasizes the significance of the event and demonstrates solidarity with the idea of preserving historical memory, especially in the face of attempts to rewrite and distort episodes of the world history.


In the event, the Myanmar Consul General laid flowers at the “Mother Motherland” mon­ument at the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery. He also visited the museum of the pa­triotic association “Lenrezerv”, dedicated to the siege of Lenin­grad, and took part in the req­uiem concert at the Gazprom Arena. — GNLM