Nutritious foods provided to pensioners in Tonzang Twsp.

Tonzang, 25 January

With the aim of being able to fill a portion of the diet with nutrients, sugar and condensed milk were provided to pensioners at the Myanma Economic Bank in Tonzang Township of Chin State this morning.

Under the arrangement of Chairman of the Township Administration Body U Thein Aung, a total of 70 pensioners who withdraw their pension at the Myanma Economic Bank received one viss of sugar and one condensed milk tin each.

Chairman of the Township Administration Body U Thein Aung and members, executive officer of the Township Development Committee, staff officer of the Township Construction Department, staff officer of the Township Department of Rural Development and staff officer of the Township Department of Electric Power attended the event.—Zo Zual Pal(IPRD)

Translated by JT