1,152 returness arrive back in Myanmar through Myawady border bridge

A total of 1,152 Myanmar migrant workers from Thailand returned through the Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge (2) yesterday.

Of them, 504 returned under the repatriation programme arranged by Myanmar Embassy in Thailand, and 648 came back by themselves.

Kayin State Hluttaw Representative U Thant Zin Aung, District Administrator U Tayzar Aung, Deputy District Administrator U Aung Chan Nyein, Police Lt-Col Thet Lin Oo, Township Administrator U Phyo Zaw Ko Ko, and officials checked the returnees’ health conditions, and fulfilled their needs.

Out of them, the returnees arrived back on 13, 14 and 15 May, and 45 of 90 returnees on 17 May, and 52 of 1,434 returnees on 27 May are those who were freed from the prisons in Thailand. Therefore, Thai officials handed over them to the Myanmar authorities.

Yesterday’s returnees include 45 from Kachin State, 7 from Kayah State, 200 from Kayin State, 157 from Mon State, 33 from Sagaing Region, 242 Bago Region, 93 from Magway Region, 32 from Yangon Region, 127 from Mandalay, 19 from Nay Pyi Taw, 120 from Shan State, 18 from Taninthayi, 19 from Rakhine State, and 40 from Ayeyawady Region. — Htein Lin Aung (IPRD)


(Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)