11834 people in Pinlaung Township receive second dose of COVID-19 vaccination

Pinlaung 11 November


Second dose of COVID-19 vaccination was conducted at BEHS (Saungpyaung) in Lonepyin village-tract in Pinlaung Township, Pa’O Self-administered Zone in Shan State (South) on November 10. 


The first dose of COVID-19 vaccination (second batch) was conducted starting from September 19 to October 11. On November 10, those who are remaining to receive second jab of COVID-19 vaccination were vaccinated and a total of 11834 people have received second dose of COVID-19 vaccination. 


Those who are remaining to receive COVID-19 vaccination will be vaccinated at the designated areas in the township during the set dates, according to the Township Committee for COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment.


Tun Lin (Pinlaung)
Translated by Suyee