13th regular session of Second Amyotha Hluttaw holds 16th-day meeting

A 16th-day meeting of Second Amyotha Hluttaws 13th regular session was held at the Amyotha Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday morning where a motion was discussed, a question and answer session held and a report on a bill read and explained.

Hluttaw discusse motion on low interest education loan

At the meeting a motion tabled by Daw Htu May of Rakhine State constituency 11 urging the government to draw up and implement a low interest education loan to enable students to obtain vocational training or higher education was discussed by Dr Maung Maung of Yangon constituency 6, U Hsan Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3, Dr U Kywe Kywe of Mandalay Region constituency 6 and U Sai Than Naing of Kayin State constituency 5.

Question and answer session

In the question and answer session that follows questions raised by Naw Chris Tun @ Dr. Arkar Moe of Kayin State constituency 7 on transferring a sports hall in Thandaunggyi Town back to its original owner a basic education high school; U Lal Min Htan of Chin State constituency 10 on upgrading Matupi Township, Tanku Village health department to a station hospital; U Kyaw Than of Kayah State constituency 8 on constructing a staff house required for Kayah State Bawlake Township sports and physical education department; and U Min Naing of Sagaing Region constituency 12 on establishing a health department and five health sub-departments in Sagaing Region Naga Self-Administered Zone Nanyun Township were answered by Deputy Minister for Health and Sports Dr Mya Lay Sein.

A question raised by U Hla Oo of Sagaing Region constituency 4 on arrangements made to maintain and protect ancient pagodas in Phowintaung region was answered by Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Kyi Min.

Similarly questions raised by U Myo Win of Mon State constituency 8 on the work of collecting toll fee for Myanma Railway Ye-Chaung Taung rail and road bridge and U Hla Myint @ U Hla Myint Than of Mon State constituency 11 on maintenance works conducted for long term usage of old Sittaung Bridge were answered by Union Minister for Transport and Communications U Thant Sin Maung.

Bill Committee report on Myanmar medical degree, diploma and certificate bill

As a final agenda of the day Amyotha Hluttaw bill committee member U Kyaw Kyaw read and explained the committee’s report on Myanmar medical degree, diploma and certificate bill. The bill was approved and sent by Pyithu Hluttaw with amendments.

Afterwards Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the amended bill to register their names.

17th-day meeting of Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th regular session will be held on 5 September. 

 Aung Ye Thwin (MNA)
(Translated by Zaw Min)