14 people injured as light truck overturns in Hopin

Mohnyin, 28 March


14 people have been injured in a traffic accident in Hopin Town, Kachin State on 27 March, the Ministry of Home Affairs reported.


The accident occurred between mileposts 344 and 345 on the Hopin-Myitkyina Road near 5th-Mile Village in Hopin Town yesterday. A light truck with 15 passengers aboard was driven by a man identified as Sai Myat Aung. The car overturned as its front tire got a puncture and plunged into a drainage ditch. 14 people sustained injuries in the incident.


Out of the injured people who were transferred to a public hospital in Hopin, a 20-year-old woman named Ma Sarmar Yi was hurt seriously in the incident. The light truck driver is being questioned over reckless driving by the local police station.—MOHA


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe