19 sub-workshops including iron smelting workshop run on trial run without load

Of 22 metal casting sub-workshops, 19 including the iron smelting workshop of the No 2 Steel Factory (Pinpet), the main producer of pig iron from smelting iron ore, have achieved trial tests to run without load, the Ministry of Industry stated.


Efforts are being exert­ed to test and operate the remaining three sub-work­shops in cooperation with experts from Russia, My­anmar and factory staff so that the production will be simultaneously done with the other 19 workshops.


At present, machinery and equipment inspection and repair work for water filter systems in the iron smelting process, con­struction of power trans­mission and distribution substation, coal grinding workshop, iron ore drying workshop, iron ore smelt­ing workshop, workshop equipped with automatic fire extinguishing system, No.2 pump workshop, cold water delivery workshop, workshop handling refined raw materials, water treat­ment workshop with the use of recycled boiler and chem­ical, waste-to-energy plant, industrial water treatment workshop, oxygen blowing workshop, pig iron casting workshop, high-pressure air blower factory, second-stage water pumping factory, puri­fied water factory, 100-tonne weighbridge scale, iron ore grinding factory for the first stage and other equipment are fully operated so no-load test can be done. Thanks to the techni-cal assistance of Russian experts in October 2016, the workshops ran for 72 hours with an automatic control system. Yet, the op-erations stopped for over 4 years when factories were temporarily suspended.


Earlier, the evaluation of machines’ capacity was the first priority. The closure of factories wreaked havoc on interactions in participatory workshops in automated systems. For now, fruitful results in computer control systems, device updates and connection activities are seen with the efforts of Myanmar’s experts. — TWA/EMM