2020 New Year Dhamma Ceremony commences in Yangon

2 January

Yangon Region Government is organizing the three-day dhamma ceremony at the People’s Park near Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon yesterday evening to welcome 2020 New Year.

Bhamo Sayadaw Dr. Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa delivered a sermon on the first day of event which was attended by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein and wife, Regional Hluttaw Speaker U Tin Maung Tun, its Deputy Speaker U Lin Naing Myint, cabinet members, donors and people from the regional townships.




Bhamo Sayadaw also donated replicas of five hair-relics, and four tooth-relics of the Buddha and six pagoda statuettes by drawing lots to the audience.

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein and officials presented a mosaic painting and the paintings of Bodh Gaya donated by Visakha Foundation and Lay Kyun Thu Foundation to the Sayadaw.

At the ceremony, members of Myanmar Red Cross Society, civil organizations and philanthropic groups provided their voluntary services to the congregation, as the Yangon City Bus public transportation and private taxis offered their free services.

An estimated number of over 80,000 people attended the New Year’s dhamma ceremony on the first night.

Rector of Sitagu World Buddhist University and Abhidhamma University Dr Bhadanta Nandamala Bhivamsa, and Chancellor of Sitagu International Buddhist Academies Sayadaw Dr. Ashin Nyanissara will deliver sermons on 2 and 3 January respectively.—Min Thit (MNA) (Translated by Aung Khin)