27th Graduation Ceremony of Defence Services Inistutue of Nursing & Paramedical Sciences held

The 27th Graduation Ceremony of Defence Services Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Scienc­es was held yesterday afternoon in Yangon Region. The ceremony was held at the Institute convo­cation hall in Mingaladon Town­ship, and the commandant of the institute Brig-Gen Win Bo, and feculty members attended.


According to the pro­gramme, the commandant and faculty members of the institute entered the graduation hall. They took their seats, and the Myan­mar orchestra opened the grad­uation ceremony by playing the national anthem.


Afterwards, the graduates took the oath of education and were brought to the rector ac­cording to the programme. Next, the rector awarded the degree certificates. The commandant then allowed the graduates to wear the insignia appropriate to their degree and signed the graduation record book. Then, the commandant gave the grad­uation speech, and the ceremony ended.


The Defence Services Insti­tute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences has held graduation ceremonies since 2003.


The faculty members of the institute were sent to foreign courses to obtain internation­al-level skills. In 1998, 1999 and 2001, they were sent to La Trobe University in Australia for a doc­torate in nursing and a master's degree. In 2022, they were sent to Burapha University in Thailand to study for doctorate degrees in nursing.


Similarly, senior nurses were sent to the People’s Re­public of China for practical nurs­ing training and to the National University Hospital of Singapore for intensive care cardiology training.


They were also invited to work for the Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Medicine courses at Chiang Mai University and Mahidol Uni­versity in Thailand and to the Master of Science in Nursing at the University of Airlangga Mu­lyorejo Surabaya in Indonesia. — MNA/KZL