38th AICHR meeting addresses human rights, anti-poverty, and misinformation

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported that the 38th meet­ing of the ASEAN Intergovern­mental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) took place in Vientiane, Lao People’s Demo­cratic Republic. The meeting fo­cused on human rights, poverty alleviation, and combatting mis­information and disinformation.


The 38th Meeting of AICHR occurred from 20 to 23 February. U Mang Hauk Thang, Deputy Director-General of the ASE­AN Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led the Myanmar delegation.


According to the report, the meeting addressed various topics, including current devel­opments in ASEAN, matters concerning the organization of AICHR, and the implementation of prioritized projects for 2023 and 2024. These projects encom­passed human rights, human trafficking, environmental and climate change issues, rights of persons with disabilities, children’s rights, and efforts to combat poverty, misinforma­tion, and disinformation in line with sustainable development goals.


The AICHR Myanmar rep­resentative discussed citizen rights, peace, prosperity, and democracy during the meeting. — ASH/ TMT