400 vials of Remdesivir donated from India reach Magway Region

THE Ministry of Health and Sports is distributing the Remdesivir injections donated by India to states and regions to treat COVID-19 patients. Now, 400 Remdesivir vials reached Magway region on 29 October evening. “These injections reached the region this evening.


There are a total of 400 Remdesivir injections for the whole region. We will distribute the injections mainly to above 200-bed hospitals,” said Dr Khin Maung Than, Deputy Director of the Magway Region Public Health Department.


Above 200-bed hospitals in Magway region are Magway People’s Hospital, Magway Medical Teaching Hospital, Minbu District People’s Hospital and Pakokku District People’s Hospital. Magway People’s Hospital has been permitted to upgrade to a 500-bed hospital.


Now, we are arranging to distribute Remdesivir injections after having discussions. “The treatment will be given to the patients who need to be vaccinated with the permission of the doctors,” he explained.


There are a total of 632 confirmed patients in Magway region as of 29 October, and the patients need to follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports, said an official from the Magway Region Public Health and Treatment Department. — Zayyatu (Magway)


(Translated by Hay Mar)