644 Myanmar nationals back home via Myawady border checkpoint on 16 June

Myawady, 17 June

644 Myanmar citizens –390 men and 254 women—came back home from Thailand via No.2 Friendship Bridge in Myawady, Kayin State on 16 June.

Among the returnees, 45 Myanmar citizens were held in detention center for breaching Thailand’s immigration law while the remaining 599 people returned to Myanmar with the arrangement of Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok. The returnees got temperature check upon arrival at the friendship bridge by a group of local authorities led by Kayin State MP U Thant Zin Aung, and Deputy Commissioner U Tay Zar Aung.

So far, 28,652 Myanmar citizens returned home through Myawady border checkpoint during the period from 1 May to 16 June.

Htein Lin Aung (IPRD) Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe