7 killed in N. Afghan province clashes

6 March

Two police officers and five Taliban militants were killed in Afghanistan's northern province of Kunduz during a predawn fighting on Friday, a local official confirmed.

"The clashes broke out early Friday morning after Taliban militants stormed a police station in Mahmoryat-e-Duwum locality on the outskirts of provincial capital Kunduz city. Two policemen and two militants were also wounded during the two-hour fighting," provincial government spokesman Esmatullah Muradi told Xinhua.

The province has been the scene of heavy clashes, as the Taliban has been frequently launching hit-and-run attacks against security forces.

On Wednesday, 12 Afghan army soldiers were killed and four others wounded after the Taliban stormed an army military camp in Bagh-e-Sherkat, an area on the northern outskirts of the city.

The violence had drastically decreased during a week-long reduction of violence period, followed by a U.S.-Taliban peace deal on Feb. 29 in Qatari capital of Doha.

However, Taliban militants resumed fighting and clashed with Afghan security forces shortly after the deal, which framed American troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan, was signed.
