77th Anniversary of Union Day Ceremony held at People’s Square in Yangon

The State flag salute and read­ing of the message for the 77th Union Day took place at People’s Square in Yangon at 7:30 am on 12 February 2024.


Yangon Region Chief Minis­ter U Soe Thein, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Zaw Hein, Chief Justice Daw San­da Thwe of the Yangon Region High Court, Deputy Commander Colonel Tun Tun Oo, regional government ministers, senior military officers, department officials, representatives of na­tional races, and invited guests attended the ceremony.


Firstly, the Yangon Region chief minister took his place on the podium and received the salute of the Guard of Honour. He then saluted the flag of the Republic of the Union of Myan­mar together with the Guard of Honour and the attendees at the ceremony.


The chief minister then read the message for the 77th Union Day sent by Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior Gener­al Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing, and the ceremony concluded. — Ko Ko Zaw (MNA)/ TKO