946 migrant workers return from Thailand through Myawady border on 8 June

09 June 

Myanmar has been making systematic arrangement for the return of migrant workers from Thailand since 1 May.

The total number of returnees through Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge (2) of Myawady border town in Kayin State yesterday was 946.

Among them, the 35 persons have served penalties in the neighbouring country, and 911 persons came back home in their own schedules from various parts of the kingdom with the approval of Myanmar embassy there.

Kayin State Hluttaw MP U Thant Zin Aung and local officials helped the returnees with medical tests and other supplies.

A total of 22,546 Myanmar migrants have arrived back home through this route until now.

The latest group of returnees included 579 males and 367 females from different regions and states.

Htein Lin Aung (IPRD) (Translated by Aung Khin)