99 migrant workers sent home in special buses after 21-day quarantine

A total of 99 Myanmar nationals were transported back to their native places via the Taunggyi Business Center (TBC) Highway Bus Terminal in Taunggyi, Shan State yesterday.


After they had received quarantine for 21 days, they came to Taunggyi through Mongyu-Kyainyan Bridge in Mongyaung Township in Tachilek District, Shan State (East). Authorities in Taunggyi sent back the returnees from China and Special Region 4 back to their native places.


 Yesterday’s 99 returnees includes one female from Yangon Region, 8 males and 10 female from Mandalay Region, 19 males and 56 females from Magway Region, two females from Kayah State, and one male and one female from Taunggyi and one male from Hsipaw. So far a total of more than 3,400 returnees were transported back to their native places via Taunggyi.


Taunggyi-based express bus operators transported them free of charge. Most of the returnees are from Rakhine State, said the township’s administrator U Phyo Min Hteik.


Members of Taunggyi Township COVID-19 Control and Emergency Response Committee, well-wishers, traffic police, officials, Taunggyi Township’s volunteers, Red Cross members, and members of auxiliary fire brigade checked the returnees’ health conditions, and distributed them lunch boxes, water bottles, soft drinks and breads for their journeys. —Soe Nyunt Shwe (IPRD)


(Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)