AA/ARSA combined group fires on Border Police station in Buthidaung Township

A Border Police station in Nyaungchaung Village, Buthidaung Township where a company of Border Police Force was stationed to conduct region security and rule of law works was attacked by AA/ARSA combined group yesterday morning about 4:15 am.


AA/ARSA combined group fired on the Police Station with light and heavy arms from southeast and southwest. The Police Station returned fire and a Border Police mobile company came in support of the station and blocked the attacking forces and the AA/ARSA combined group retreated to the southwest and east.


During the firefight two Police personnel were slightly wounded and when the area around the police station was inspected 3 bodies of AA personnel dressed in sports wears, one M-22 assault rifle, one M-79 40 mm grenade launcher, 8 magazines, 40 bullets, two 40 mm rounds for the grenade launcher, 17 hand grenades, 6 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and 13 backpacks were found. Inside the backpacks were sports wears, syringes, medicines and medical equipment and raincoats. Villagers reported that the retreating AA/ARSA group was seen carrying their wounded on stretchers. The attacked station remains under the control of the Myanmar Police Force, according to its news release. — MNA


(Translated by Zaw Min)