ACC holds virtual workshop on corruption risk assessment

10 June 

The Anti-Corruption Commission began an online workshop yesterday with the participation of Corruption Prevention Units from the Union-level organizations and the Union ministries.

The workshop titled ‘Virtual Workshop on CRA’ was joined by officials from the 36 CPUs.

U Aung Kyi, the chairman of ACC, made an opening remark on the workshop, saying about some progress of CPUs in more than one year of establishment, the system of corruption risk assessment is a method to prevent corruption among civil service staff through minimal amount of risk, and that it is a major task of CPUs to be implemented. Daw Myat Myat Soe, the ACC member, explained the introduction of CRA method. The ACC is leading the workshop with technical support of the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime till 12 June.

MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)