According to the Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar’s ag­ricultural exports have gener­ated over US$1.98 billion in the past eight months.


However, the statistics from 1 April to 24 November indicate a decline of $286 mil­lion compared to the earnings of $2.26 billion during the same period last year. Exporters at­tribute this decrease to the escalating commodity prices within the country.


The country’s exports en­compass agricultural produce, animal products, marine prod­ucts, minerals, forest products, finished products on a cut-make-pack (CMP) basis, and other commodities. Myanmar chiefly imports capital goods, raw materials, consumer goods, and materials for CMP businesses. Agricultural pro­duce mainly comprises rice, broken rice, beans and pulses, fruits and vegetables, sesame, dried tea leaves, sugar, and other farm goods. The primary buyers are China, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. — TWA/NT