Agricultural training school for farmers launched in Thayawady

Bago, 21 July


An inauguration ceremony of an agricultural training school for farmers was held in conjunction with an opening of training course for farmers in Inn Village, Thayawady Township in Bago Region this morning.


The agricultural training school for famers was formally opened by Bago Regional Chief Minister U Win Thein, Regional Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Aung Zaw Naing, Director-General of the Department of Agriculture Dr. Ye Tint Tun, Regional MP U Maung Maung Lin and Director of the DoA U Hla Myint. Next, the regional chief minister launched the stone plaque of the training school and sprinkled scented water on it.


Afterwards, the regional minister explained the purpose of opening the training school and training course for farmers. The director-general of the DoA also briefed processes being taken for development of agricultural technology. The chief minister and his entourage then released 20000 fingerlings into a pond in front of the training school.


The training school will give training on different agricultural methods by using modern equipment and the training course is being attended by 40 trainess from 14 townships in the region.—Tin Soe (Bago)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe