April 21
The Agriculture Department under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation called for Expression of Interest (EOI) to the companies which want to apply for rice and broken rice exporter registration.
Under the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Protocol for biosecurity between Myanmar and China, exporter registration for the rice companies is being processed.
Interested companies can submit EOI (hard copy and soft copy) to the Agriculture Department and technical working group for rice exports to China (Myanmar Rice Federation) after taking out the form by 19 May.
The forms can be downloaded on https://www.doa.gov.mm, htpps://ppd.doa.gov.mm and www.umfcci.com.mm. Additionally, they can contact the crops protection division of the Agriculture Department located on Bayintnaung Road, Insein, in order to take out the form and dial 01 644214 and send an email to [email protected] of the Technical Working Group and 01 218266-68, 01-2301128-29 of MRF ([email protected]).
Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) aimed to meet rice export targets of 2.5 million tonnes and generate an income of US$1,000 million in the 2023-2024 financial year.
Last FY2022-2023 (April-March), Myanmar conveyed 2,261,203 tonnes of rice and broken rice worth $853.472 million. Of them, over 775,000 tonnes of rice and broken rice were exported to China.
Myanmar has been exerting concerted efforts to grow 10 per cent yearly in the rice export sector. To raise foreign income, it has been prioritizing the exportation of high-grade rice and boosting export volume, MRF stated.
Myanmar bagged over $809.135 million from 2,164,681 tonnes of rice export in the 2021-2022 FY. —NN/EM