Amyotha Hluttaw approves proposal to assess quality of private schools

15 Aug

THE Second Amyotha Hluttaw held its 10th day meeting for 13th regular session yesterday, and approved a proposal to make an assessment for the announcement on the quality and credibility of certificates from private schools which are conducting the courses in affiliation with overseas universities or education foundations or in their own curriculum. 

Quality assessment on private schools 

U Hla San, MP of Magway Region constituency 1, supported the proposal, saying that while foreign universities and colleges neglected the certificates of Myanmar academic institutions, the potential learners for oversea education should have a guarantee for their investments. 

He also asked that the Ministry of Education should officially scrutinize the credibility of certificates issued by the foreign universities or the private schools conducting their own curriculum in affiliation with overseas education organizations. 

U Khin Win, MP of Magway Region constituency 2, agreed the proposal, with making remarks that as some students did not get enough exam scores to attend the government universities, they sought to join private universities which allowed for their courses with lower marks than their state-owned counterparts. He also commented these private schools are found to run unofficially with their own course, and the MP suggested that the Ministry of Education and other relevant ministries, the committees concerned and the private education sector need to scrutinize the capacities of private school for registration. 

The proposal was also discussed by Daw Shwe Shwe Sein Latt, MP of Bago Region constituency 3 and Naw Hla Hla Soe, MP of Yangon Region constituency 10. 

Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun also agreed to approve the proposal, with quoting the Article 54 (A) under the Chapter 10: Quality Assessment and Quality Assurance of Myanmar National Education Law which said “At every level of education there shall be a program of quality assurance.” 

The deputy minister reaffirmed that the ministry is trying to ensure good education services with the systematic registration of private teachers, and will implement the scrutinizing processes on private schools in coordination with the relevant committees in this sector. 

Deputy Minister for Construction answered to asterisk questions 

Deputy Minister for Construction gave answers to the asterisk questions of five MPs. 

U Maung Maung Latt, MP of Sagaing Region constituency 9, asked for construction of concrete or asphalt road on the inter-village road between Botekan-Malu-Zibyugone in Tamu district of Sagaing Region. 

The deputy minister replied that it will be implemented based on the availability of funds from the Sagaing Region government in 2020-2021 fiscal year. 

U Si Hu Dwet, MP of Kachin State constituency 2, asked about upgrading the rock road to the tar road at the road section of Shwepyithar-Arrsa-Zone 5- Nan Gwe. 

The deputy minister replied that the road will be upgraded to a smooth rock road with the general surplus fund of Kachin State for 2019-2020 fiscal year. 

U Lar Min Htan, MP of Chin State constituency 10, asked to widen the inner road of Lai Lin Pi town of Matupi Township in Chin State. U Zon Hlal Htan, MP of Chin State constituency 4 asked about the construction of the remaining road section by the government to connect with the other section that will be constructed with the funds of World Bank for Kalay-Falam-Haka motorway. U Shan Awng, MP of Chin State constituency 2, asked about construction of road between Surkwa town of Haka Township and Hnarein town of Thantlang Township in Haka District, Chin State. 

The deputy ministers replied to these queries. 

Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Win Khaing Than sought approval on the amendment of Pyithu Hluttaw on the Fourth Bill Amending Union Judiciary Law that has been passed by the Amyotha Hluttaw.

Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than informed the parliament about the acceptance of New Plant Species Protection Bill sent by the Pyithu Hluttaw with amendments. 

The Speaker invited the list of MP names who want to discuss the bill. 

The bill on fish-breeding was discussed by MP of Thaninthayi Region constituency 8 U Okka Min, MP of Bago Region constituency 11 Dr Win Myint, MP of Thanintharyi Region constituency 7 U Zaw Hein, MP of Thanintharyi Region constituency 12 U Khin Myo Win, and MP of Kachin State constituency 11 Dr Khun Win Thaung. 

The 11th day meeting for 13th regular session of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw will be convened on 16 August.

Aung Ye Thwein and Lu Maw (Translated by Aung Khin)