Amyotha Hluttaw convenes 6th day meeting of 14th regular session

23 NOVEMBER 2019

THE second Amyotha Hluttaw held its 6th day meeting of 14th regular session yesterday, with raising asterisk questions and tabling a motion.

MP U Han Win Thein from Taninthayi constituency 4 asked about upgrading the road between Khawzar town in Ye Townsip in Mon State and Paukpingwin village of Yebyu Township of Taninthayi into an inter-regional road.

Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Than Htut replied the road is only 6-ft wide and perennial plants such as rubber are gown by the locals along both sides of the road, and that there would need some negotiation with the owners of these plants for expansion of the road

The local governments also need to submit details collected by the local officials on proposed projects to the Ministry of Border Affairs.

MP Dr Win Myint from Bago Region constituency 11 asked about the possible ban of low variety breeds of swine. Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw replied that a coordination meeting to discuss imports of swine is held quarterly in a year, and that the resolution of coordination meetings to import only under-20 kilogram swine will be scrutinized to prevent both the risks of public health and the interest of local swine breeders.

MP Naw Christ Tun (a) Dr Ar Kar Moe from Kayin State constituency 7 asked to review opaque and unfair selection of trainees for the University for the Development of the National Races of the Union and the colleges of Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree. He also asked to favour under-developed ethnic areas in selections.

Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Than Htut replied the query.

MP U Khin Myo Win from Taninthayi Region constituency 12 asked about taking back unused empty lands permitted to an oil palm company in Bokpyin Township in Taninthayi Region, and to provide legal assistance to the farmers who are facing lawsuits although they already have land use permits.

U Aung Myo from Sagaing Region constituency 2 asked about reviewing on providing cash assistance to from the President’s special funds to the farmers who lost their crops due to natural disasters in 2019.

These two queries were replied by Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw

Bill for amendment of Farm Land Law

Member of Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee Daw Kyein Ngaik Man read out to explain a bill for amendment of Farm Land Law sent back by the Pyithu Hluttaw with recommendations.

Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than approved the bill in the version of Amyotha Hluttaw bill committee.

U Ba Myo Thein from Yangon Region constituency 5 submitted a proposal to debate the controversies on the bill between the two Hluttaws at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

The Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker announced to submit the controversial bill to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

Then, the Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker announced for enlisting the names of MPs who like to discuss the Myanmar Insolvency Bill sent back by the Pyithu Hluttaw with recommendations.

Reforestation programme

U Sa Khin Zaw Linn from Ayeyawady Region constituency 2 suggested the Union Government for training programmes and providing modern facilities and equipment for on capacity buildings for forest staff in States/Regions and promoting their functions and ethics with the financial and technical assistance of international organizations such as World Bank, Asian Development Band, World Wildlife Fund for reforestation in Myanmar.

The motion was discussed by the MPs.

MP Daw Shar Mu from the Kayah State constituency 5 highlighted the importance of forest management, reforestation and environmental conservation.

MP U Soe Thein also discussed providing equipment and facitlies to the forest staff, including road constructions in the forests, drones, installation of CCTVs, and establishment of public knowledge sharing centers near forest reserves.

The motion was also discussed by MP Daw Shwe Shwe Sein Latt from Bago Region constituency 3 and Daw Lwei Zar from Kayah State constituency 6.

The second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 14th regular session will convene its 7th day meeting on 25 November.—Aung Ye Thwin

(Translated by Aung Khin)