Amyotha Hluttaw convenes ninth-day meeting of 13th regular session

09 August


Question and answer session


In the question and answer session Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi responded to a question raised by U Shar Aww of Chin State constituency 2 on whether teachers required for basic education high schools in Chin State can be appointed. The Union Minister said that headmasters for middle schools upgraded in academic year 2019-2020 were appointed and vacant high school teacher positions will be filled through transfers, promotions and volunteers based on the applicants’ work experiences. The transfers, promotions and proposals as high school teachers will also be according to guidelines set by the states and regions explained the Union Minister.


In responding to a question raised by U Whey Tin of Chin State constituency 11 on whether there was a plan to relax the requirement for students who matriculated in the 2019 matriculation examination to attend education colleges in order to fill up staff requirements of basic education schools in Chin State, Paletwa Township as a special region Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi said there is no such plan yet. However starting from 2018, applications for education colleges were to be made township wise only while 2019 university entrance guide book had stated that 5 per cent of the students accepted in each education colleges were reserved for applicants who are willing to serve in remote areas said the Union Minister.


In the same way a question raised by U Kyaw Toke of Mandalay Region constituency 7 on when a system of determining university entrance will be made through criteria and requirement set by the university rather than by marks obtained in the matriculation examination was answered by Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi. The Union Minister said that once the universities manage themselves after drawing up and approving a university charter according to the enacted National Education Law and university councils were formed, university entrance will be determined by the university council. By that time students who want to study at a university would be required to sit for an entry examination conducted by that university said the Union Minister.


Questions raised by U Kin Shein of Taninthayi Region constituency 9 on when the government will sign contract and tax income on breeding of Swiftlet bird in seven townships of Taninthayi Region and U Saw Moe Myint @ Samuel of Kayin State constituency 1 on frequent explosions in mines causing death were answered and explained by Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr Ye Myint Swe.


Tabling of bills and reading of reports


Following the question and answer session Union Election Commission member U Min Swe tabled a fifth bill amending the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law, a fifth bill amending the Amyotha Hluttaw Election Law and a fifth bill amending the State/Region Hluttaws Election Law separately. After each bill was tabled Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member U Thein Lwin, Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member Dr Myo Aung and Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member U Lal Min Htan read and explained a committee report for each bill. After each reading and explanation of the report Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the bills to register their names.


Hluttaw discuss motion on private school quality


Next a motion urging the government to review the quality of private schools opened in connection with a foreign university of education entity or with their own curriculum and to review and announce about the certificates issued by those schools tabled by U Kyaw Htway of Yangon Region constituency 8 was discussed by U Kyaw Thaung of Sagaing Region constituency 1, Daw Than Than Aye of Magway constituency 7, Daw Naw Chris Tun @ Dr Arrkar Moe of Kayin State constituency 7, U Aye Bo of Yangon Region constituency 11 and U Than Soe @ Than Soe (Economic) of Yangon Region constituency 4.


In conclusion, Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than announced to convene the tenth-day meeting of Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th regular session on 14 August.—MNA


(Translated by Zaw Min)