Amyotha Hluttaw focuses on reservoirs, waterworks, safeguarding increased imports

23 August


THE Department of Irrigation and Water Utilization Management and the Department of Hydropower Implementation will analyse the reservoirs they have constructed in order to make any necessary changes to adapt to the changing climate and ensure their continued sustainability, said Deputy Minister U Hla Kyaw.


The Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation was replying to a question raised by U Tun Tun Oo, MP for Mandalay Region constituency 2, during the 13th-day meeting of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th regular session.


The MP asked how the two aforementioned departments were maintaining their reservoirs and the Deputy Minister added that they had long and short term plans in place to address the matter with concerned regional administration departments. The Deputy Minister then replied to two more questions by other MPs.


Nantaleik Creek bridge will not be built


Next, MP U Min Naing of Amyotha Hluttaw focuses on reservoirs, waterworks, safeguarding increased imports Sagaing Region constituency 12 raised a question on whether Nantaleik Creek bridge between Leshi and Lahe townships in Naga Self-Administered Zone would be built in the 2019-2020 FY.


Deputy Border Affairs Minister Maj-Gen Than Htut replied that their ministry does not have the necessary technology to handle concrete bridges longer than 180 feet as Nantaleik Creek bridge is about 400 feet in length. The Deputy Minister then replied to two more questions by other MPs.


Following this, MP U San Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3 debated on the New Plant Variety Protection Bill 2019, approved by the Amyotha Hluttaw, and now sent back with amendments from the Pyithu Hluttaw.


Assembly approves import safeguard bill


Next, Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member U Soe Moe read their report on the Safeguard Bill on Increased Import. Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than then gathered the approval of the assembly for each section of the bill.


Deputy Commerce Minister U Aung Htoo moved for the amended bill to be passed and U Ko Ko Naing, MP for Sagaing Region constituency 8, seconded the motion.


The Speaker gathered the deliberation of the Hluttaw, received no opposition, and announced the amended bill as approved.


MPs debate motion on improving rural waterworks


Afterwards, MPs discussed a motion tabled by MP U Khin Win of Magway Region constituency 2, which urged the Union Government to assist rural areas with digging up and maintaining rainwater tanks, drinking water tanks, mini reservoirs, building new ones and reinforcing embankments to ensure proper irrigation and protect the natural ecosystem.


MP U Aung Myo of Sagaing Region constituency 2 said the Irrigation Law was passed in 2017 to ensure proper management of the nation’s reservoirs and waterworks. He supported the motion saying it is an important matter.


MP Dr U Kwyal Kwyal of Mandalay Region constituency 6 also supported the motion. He said the motion will not put a strain on the national budget as it promotes small facilities. He suggested adapting to the systems implemented in the community-based projects jointly organized by the Department of Rural Development and the World Bank as it will ensure low expenditures with high beneficial results.


The motion was further debated by five MPs before the meeting concluded. The 14th-day meeting of the current Amyotha Hluttaw session will take place on 27 August.—Aung Ye Thwin, Lu Maw (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)