Amyotha Hluttaw raises queries to Construction Ministry

28 November

THE  second  Amyotha  Hluttaw  held  the  8th  day  meeting  of  14th regular  session  yesterday,  with  raising  queries  to  the  Ministry  of  Construction  and  approving  two bills.

MP  U  Soe  Moe  from  Ay-eyawady  Region  constituency  1  asked  about  upgrading  and  timing  for  completion  of  Yan-gon-Pathein highway.

Deputy  Minister  for  Con-struction U Kyaw Lin explained that the construction of 113-mile road  section  of  Yangon-Pathein  highway  was  contracted  to  the  Oriental Highway Co., Ltd under the B.O.T system on 1 April 2018.

After the Asian Development Bank  has  proposed  to  upgrade  the  highway  with  initial  loan  of  US$120  million.  This  financial  institution  and  the  World  Bank  have the experiences in step in-step out method for development projects in the Philippines, Azer-baijan,  Australia,  New  Zealand,  UK, Canada and India.

The $120 million loan for the Yangon-Pathein highway project will have to be paid back with the tolls collected from this road in 24 years  after  upgrading  the  road.  After setting the loan, the Orien-tal Highway Co, Ltd could receive the tolls for the concession period of nine years.

The proposed project of ADB has been approved by the Union government and the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. The Temporary Transfer Agreement has also been signed between  the  Ministry  of  Con-struction    and  the  company  on  6 September 2018 to implement the project.

Selection  of  consultants,  conducting  the  details  of  feasi-bility study and preparations for environmental and resettlement issues will be carried out under the programme of ADB. Tenders will  be  invited  for  contractor  in  accordance  with  the  guidelines  of  the consultants. These process will take from two to three years.

During this period, the Ori-ental Highway Co, Ltd was con-tracted  to  upgrade  some  road  sections to 46 ft and 36 ft concrete roads.

Moreover, 12 mile road sec-tion  and  24  mile  road  section  in  Yangon  Region  are  being  up-graded  by  the  three  Road  Con-struction Special Teams and two district  road construction teams. The whole project is expected to complete in June 2020.

The ADB will fully upgrade a  total  of  70  mile  1  furlong  road  section  into  the  four-lane  road  from  Bo  Myat  Tun  Bridge  and to Pathein.

MP  U  Kyaw  Thaung  from  Sagaing  Region  constituency  asked about upgrading inter-dis-trict road between Sagaing-Wat-lat-Shwebo.

The  Deputy  Minister  for  Construction  answered  that  the  road  section  will  include  in  the  future  Ruili-Muse-Htig-yaing-Sagaing-Mandalay-Nay Pyi Taw-  Kyaukpyu  highway  which  will become an express highway of  the  country  to  connect  One  Belt One Road project. It will also be  included  in  the  international  standard Early Harvest Project 4. And that the inter-district road will not be upgraded at the mo-ment, and just will be repaired.

MP   U   Win   Aung   from   Sagaing  Region  constituency  3  asked to expanding the damaged road section on Monywa-YeU-Ka-laywa which passes through YeU Township and Taze Township  in Shwebo  District  of  Sagaing  Re-gion.

The  Deputy  Minister  an-swered  road  repairing  will  be  carried out depending on budget allocation for 2020-2021 financial year.

MP   U   Htein   Win   from   Ayeyawady  Region  constituency  4  asked  for  upgrading  a  creek-crossing  bamboo  bridge  that links Pyinywa village of Zalun Townhsip and Hnekyo village of Danubyu Township into a stronger bridge in Ayeyawady Region.

The  Deputy  Minister  answered it will be done depending on the budget allocation in 2020-2021 financial year.

MP U Sa Khin Zaw Linn from Ayeyawady Region constituency 2  asked  about  construction  of  a  suspension bridge in Kyaunggone Township.

The Deputy Minister replied that the MP needs to discuss with the  township  planning  and  im-plementation  committee  before  submitting  the  project  to  the  Ayeyawady Region government.

Then,  Amyotha  Hluttaw  Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than announced Hluttaw’s approval of the Draft Law to Prevent an In-creased Quantity of Imports sent back by the Pyithu Hluttaw with recommendations. Then, Amyo-tha Hluttaw Bill Committee mem-ber U Sai Tun Aung explained the Animal Health and Development Bill  sent  by  the  Pyithu  Hluttaw  with  recommendations  for  the  discussions of Pyithu Hluttaw.

The Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker invited the names of Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the bill.

The  14th  regular  session  of  second  Amyotha  Hluttaw  will hold its ninth-day session on 29 Novem-ber.—Aung Ye Thwin(Translated  by  Aung  Khin)