ASEAN level natural heritage Meinmahla Island wildlife sanctuary

6 May 


Heading to Meinmahla Island


I  paid  a  visit  to  Bogale  in  January  2019  together  with  writer  Dr.  Myint  Than  (Nyaun-glebin) to give talks about dan-ger of narcotic drugs and raising knowledge about education and health matters at the invitation of Bogale Township Administrator U Aung Zin Oo.


After  the  talks,  we  were  transported to Meinmahla Island in order to observe an ecosystem of mangrove forest.


We  took  about  three  hours  along the way to Meinmahla Is-land by speed-boat. I would like to express thanks to those who explained facts about the Flyway Site  Network  of  Meinmahla  Is-land wildlife sanctuary.


Meinmahla  Island  wildlife  sanctuary


Meinmahla  Island  wildlife  sanctuary  established  in  1994  is located on 52.78 square miles (33,336 acres) of land in Bogale Township of Pyapon District in Ayeyawady  Region.  It  is  combined  with  two  environmental  conservation areas of Ayeyawady Region.


The wildlife sanctuary pre-vents  inflow  of  seawater  which  may cause damage to farmlands of Ayeyawady Region where pad-dy cultivation and production is the main business in the region and  causing  of  landslides,  con-trols silting process, gives shel-ters as habitat for aqua creatures which are the second important product  in  the  region  and  con-tributes to reduction of climate change.


Various kinds of ecosystems such as mangrove forests, mud-dy forests, grass and sandbanks can be seen in the wildlife sanc-tuary which is home to various species of biodiversity. It is a sin-gle area of naturally conserving Crocodylus  porosus  which  is  a  species of crocodiles with habita-tion in the area mixed with fresh water  and  seawater.  Moreover,  the  wildlife  sanctuary  is  habi-tats  for  otters,  hyenas,  boars,  monkeys,  various  snakes  and  mangrove forest birds.


Ramsar Site


Meinmahla  Island  wildlife  sanctuary was designated as the ASEAN Heritage Park on 18 De-cember 2003 and as Ramsar Site in 2017.


In  fact,  the  sanctuary  is  of  importance  for  conservation  of  biodiversity  as  rare  species  of  migratory  birds  arrive  in  the  Ramsar Site on the island year-ly. That is why the sanctuary was set as national level sanctuary.


Meinmahla    Island    and    Phuket Island


On  the  way  to  Meinmahla  Island  wildlife  sanctuary  by  speed boat, I received a call from my  husband  residing  in  Bago.  While talking about my trip and similarities of mangrove forests between Meinmahla Island and Phuket Island of Thailand to the husband, I remembered my ex-perience on the trip to Pukhet.


At the floating restaurant on Phuket  Island,  we  had  a  lunch  with meal of roasted lobsters. The restaurant  was  built  on  the  tim-ber  logs.  Female  workers  from  the  restaurant  were  Myanmar.  So I asked a female worker at the age  of  my  daughter,  “Didn’t  you  fear the events in tsunami?” She replied,  “There  was  not  much  damage this side at that time. But, damage was worse at seaside ar-eas of the island.”


Mangrove  forests  thrived  along the beach of Phuket Island similar to that of Meinmahla Is-land. The floating restaurant was built  near  the  corner  of  island  where  nipa  palm  plants,  man-grove plants and others thrived. Hence, I thought the restaurant was  free  from  impacts  of  tsu-nami.  It  proved  that  mangrove  plants could prevent tidal waves.


Breeding farm of crocodiles in Cambodia


I also remembered breeding farms of crocodiles on my trip to Cambodia. When we paid visits to the crocodile breeding farms in Cambodia, we paid entrance fee to the officials.


Our Meinmahla Island wild-life  sanctuary  is  more  beauti-ful  than  a  similar  sanctuary  of  Cambodia. Such a sanctuary can catch interest of globetrotters. I have experience on my trip that foreign travelers viewed happy moves of crocodiles in Cambodia at moonlit nights by binoculars. Those  foreign  tourists  spent  nights  in  Cambodia  to  view  moves  of  crocodiles.  Although  lodging  buildings  are  ready  to  admit foreign tourists on Mein-mahla Island, better facilities to Myauktaya Pagoda (100- monkey pagoda).


On the way, we paid homage to  Myauktaya  Pagoda  built  by  U Nu. As it is very famous, the Buddha Pujaniya festival is held on a grand scale in the month of Tabaung (around March) year-ly. During the period of festival, local people and those from four corners of the nation arrive there by  boat  to  pay  homage  to  the  pagoda on a grand scale.


Local  people  are  engaged  in fishery tasks of catching fish and prawn. Those fisherpersons cook meals aboard the boats. In my presence, the administrator said, “What do you use diesel or petroleum as fuel for your boat? If you cook abroad the boat, you all may face danger.” It was be-cause a woman cooked a rice pot with the use of charcoal stove in the boat.


Educative tasks


The  administrator  pointed  to latrines on the bank of river. He  said,  “It  is  not  easy  issues  we face. We tell somebody not to cook near the generator of boat and share knowledge about un-clean water and clean one. More-over, we disseminate knowledge about danger of crocodiles to the locals as well as distribute pam-phlets about such danger to the locals.”


We the two writers knew ad-vantages  of  mangrove  forests  explained  by  the  Township  Ad-ministrator  aboard  the  speed-boat.  I  would  like  to  urge  my  friends  to  observe  Meinmahla  Island wildlife sanctuary. Natural geographical conditions such as mountains,  jungles,  lands  and  waters of the country are genu-ine beauties. Myanmar has plen-tiful  of  natural  heritages  with  genuine beauties.


The ASEAN Environmental Ministers’ Meeting approved the ASEAN  level  natural  heritage  parks in 2003 for the first phase in order to upgrade country-wise natural  conservation  areas  in  ASEAN  countries  to  meet  the  set  standard  of  the  world.  Six  ASEAN  heritage  parks  includ-ing  Meinmahla  Island  wildlife  sanctuary  were  designated  on  18 December 2003.


16-year lass


I  deeply  prayed  that  may  Meinmahla Island wildlife sanc-tuary which was set as an ASE-AN heritage park, dubbed as 16 years old lass, be reliable for the motherland Myanmar with more and more beauties in 2019.


Wut Yi Khin (Bago)
Translated by Than Tun Aung