Authorities to develop 2,600 acres of teak, hardwood plantations in Sagaing

22 July


THE  Forest  Department  of  Sagaing  Region  is  implement-ing a plan to develop 2,600 acres of  teak  and  hardwood  planta-tions  in  forest  reserves  within  13  townships  of  five  districts  across  the  region  in  the  2018-2019  Financial  Year,  said  Daw  Kyawt  Kyawt  Aung,  the  Assis-tant Director of the department.


As  of  June,  the  Forest  Department  has  planted  1,655  acres  of  teak  and  200  acres  of  Pyingadoe,  a  marketable  vari-ety of hardwood, totalling 1,855 acres, in the region, starting this monsoon.  Under  the  plan,  the  department  has  planted  teak  saplings  on  400  acres  of  land  in  the  Thaw  forest  reserve  of  Kantbalu  Township;  125  acres  in Kawlin Township; 150 acres in  the  Gahe  forest  reserve  of  Htigyaing  Township;  80  acres  in the Nantbaran forest reserve of  Pinlebu  Township;  and  135  acres in the Phile forest reserve of Wuntho Township.


In addition, the authorities Authorities to develop 2,600 acres of teak, hardwood plantations in Sagainghave  grown  teak  saplings  on  150  acres  of  land  in  the  Gahe  forest  reserve  of  Indaw  Town-ship; 50 acres in the Pinhtaung forest reserve of Kani Township; 215 acres in the Khinaye forest reserve  of  Pale  Township;  100  acres in the Panmataung forest reserve of Kalay Township; 100 acres  in  the  Kyapin  forest  re-serve of Kalewa Township; an-other 100 acres in the Thanpauk forest reserve of Minkin Town-ship; and 50 acres in the Mawlu forest reserve of Mawleik Town-ship.—Win Oo (Zeya Taing)(Translated  by  Khaing  Thanda Lwin)