Authorities target to grow 1.2 mln acres of bean and pulses in Sagaing this season

7 July


PLANS  call  for  cultivat-ing more than 1.2 million acres of beans and puls-es  throughout  Sagaing  Region during this rainy season, said U Win Hlaing Oo,  head  of  Sagaing  Re-gion Agriculture Depart-ment.


The  department  set  its target to grow 558,576 acres  of  green  grams,  604,266  acres  of  pigeon  peas, 12,792 acres of cow peas, 18,989 acres of mung beans,  85,073  acres  of  lima  beans,  10,655  acres  of butter beans, 820 acres of rice beans, 9,002 acres of lablab beans and 21,189 acres of other varieties of beans and pulses.


According to its crop growing programme, the department  will  develop  174,779  acres  of  beans  plantations  in  Sagaing  District, 272,852 acres in Monywa District, 182,307 acres  in  Yinmabin  Dis-trict,  349,448  acres  in  Shwebo  District,  224,039  acres  in  Kantbalu  Dis-trict,  3,177  acres  in  Ka-tha District, 12,656 acres in  Kalay  District,  431  acres in Khamti District and  3,767  acres  in  Naga  Self-Administered  Zone,  totalling 1,223,366 acres.


Beans  and  pulses  have been exported to In-dia,  Pakistan,  Dubai,  Sri  Lanka and Bangladesh.—Win Oo (Zeyataing)


(Translated    by    Khaing Thanda Lwin)