Award ceremony held for outstanding employees in celebration of MRTV’s 78th anniversary

The 78th-anniversary celebra­tion of the Ministry of Infor­mation’s Myanma Radio and Television was held yesterday afternoon at the Myanma Radio and Television’s head office in Tatkon, Nay Pyi Taw.


The MRTV staff sang and danced to the “Mingalaba” song. Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn then gave a speech and pre­sented awards to employees who had completed 37 years of service and those who had won prizes in domestic and foreign training and competitions.


Deputy Minister U Ye Tint also gave awards to employees who received the Good Public Service Medal and employees who won the national gold medal in the 24th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Com­petition.


Permanent Secretary U Myo Myint Maung, MRTV Di­rector-General U Ye Naing and departmental heads presented awards to those who won the programme production excel­lence award, the news editing broadcast excellence award, the news presentation excellence award, the industrial excellence award, the filming production excellence award, the business performance award, and the cleanliness and beauty operation excellence award.


The Union minister and the deputy minister then opened a lucky draw for the employees of Myanma Radio and Television and awarded prizes. — MNA/ KZL