Bago Chief Minister inspects Shangaing floodgate 

Bago, July 17


Bago region Chief Minister U Win Thein together with departmental heads inspected Shangaing floodgate in Wall Township and gave instructions yesterday afternoon.


 In his inspection tour, Director Ko Ko Oo and Assistant Director Maung Maung Moe Nyunt of the region Irrigation and Water Utilization Management briefed the chief minister on regular maintenance of Shangaing floodgate, letting the water flow into Sittoung river and clearance of water hyacinth and weeds entangled at the sluice-valves. After hearing the presentation, the chief minister gave guidelines. 


Shangaing floodgate was constructed in 1999 near Shangaing village, including a drain which is 4500 feet long, 150 feet wide and 12 feet deep, with 27 sluice-valves. 


The floodgate is a great benefit to 25000 acres of farm lands.—Tin Soe (Bago)  


 Translated by Khine Thaw