Bago Region to grow 1,000 acres of Robusta coffee

The Bago Region is scheduled to grow 1,000 acres of Robusta coffee, according to the Bago Region Government.


The Light House Co Ltd, based in Yedashe Township, Toungoo District, Bago Re­gion, purchases local coffee beans and exports value-added coffee products. Additionally, businesses in the forest entre­preneur cluster will increase earnings by cultivating Robusta coffee.


Myanmar’s coffee has al­ready secured a good reputation in the global coffee market, and efforts are being made to ex­pand cultivation and export as an essential value-added crop.


Foreign earnings can be increased through coffee plan­tations by maintaining good quality and germination, uti­lizing soil fertility, moisture, and sunlight, ensuring weather and pest resistance, harvesting at optimal ripeness, and achieving a yield of 2.82 tonnes per acre.


Robusta lowland coffee varieties, valued in the global market, are suitable for culti­vation at altitudes of less than 2,500 feet above sea level and require rainfall between 60 and 100 inches.


Myanmar produces ap­proximately 7,000 tonnes of coffee annually, with half of it exported to countries such as the United States, Europe, Ja­pan, South Korea, Thailand, and China. — TWA/TMT