Bamboo furniture and accessories fetching good prices

Bamboo furniture and accessories are drawing buyer’s attention in the domestic market, fetching good prices, according to U Kyaw Win, an official of the Myanmar Bamboo Society.

He also said that the use of bam­boo-made furniture and accessories in buildings and restaurants becomes pop­ular and the demand has been increasing.


“Young people seem to like natural decorations, and in restaurants, you can see bamboo chairs and lamps are used as part of the decoration. As for the price, the price of even a small bamboo lamp ranges from K15,000 to K60,000,” he said.


Arrangements are being made to attract hotels and restaurants to buy bam­boo crafts like tables, chairs, cupboards, shoe racks, dish racks.


“Currently, bamboo accessories are popular in the overseas market and lo­cal businesses should strive to export bamboo handicrafts abroad as they can win more markets,” suggested a busi­nessman.


In order to penetrate foreign markets with bamboo accessories and furniture, availability of raw materials and skilled workers poses a challenge, according to the local bamboo businesses. — MT/TH