Bank erosion destroys five houses in MraukU Township

22 July


FIVE houses in three villages collapsed due to bank erosion that was triggered by the swol-len  Laymyo  River  during  the  downpour  that  lasted  from  8  to  14  July  in  MraukU  Town-ship, MraukU District, Rakhine State.


Officials  of  the  Disaster  Management  Department  of  the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief  and  Resettlement  pre-sented  financial  and  material  assistance  to  the  families  of  the collapsed homes on 20 July at a ceremony held at its office in MraukU.


Officials  presented  rice,  Ks  56,700  and  15  kinds  of  re-lief  items,  and  Ks  500,000,  Ks  100,000  for  rebuilding  each  collapsed  house,  to  the  27  persons  of  five  households  of  Thahtaygon,  Akyitawma  and  Konchaung villages.—District IPRD (Translated by TMT)