LAST year’s flood led to a decline in betel leaf yield in Kyaukse Township, however, the trade has increased.


Betel leaf plantation and production have shrunk in Monywa and Shwebo townships, making Kyaukse-produced betel leaf trading rise.


“Betel leaf production has been low in Kyaukse this year because many be­tel leaf farms were damaged in flood. The betel leaf trade was pretty good in Kyaukse over the last three months and the supply has been short. Sagaing Region grew betel leaf before but no more produced now. There are betel leaf farms in Monywa and Shwebo but their production becomes shrunken due to some reasons. Betel leaf price will con­tinue to stay high before Tagu (the first Myanmar lunar month),” said Ma Myat Myat Mon from Myintmo Soe betel leaf retail and wholesale trading in Kyaukse Township.


Kyaukse-produced betel leaf is du­rable so it has received orders from different cities such as Tachileik, Taungdwingyi and Magway, of which, Taungdwingyi is the biggest buyer.


“The price has been high here and if it declines, it will be just a little be­cause the supply has been limited now. Kyaukse-produced betel leaf is durable and soft, so other cities and towns have placed orders. Road transport takes about three days to go to Tachilaik so it is fine because our betel leaf is durable. That is why, betel leaves produced from Kyaukse and Madaya can be transported even there,” she added. — Thit Taw/ZS