Bogyoke Aung San Park in Kandawgyi reopens after upgraded

In commemoration of the 73rd Anniversary of Martyrs’ Day, which will fall on 19 July, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein officiated the opening ceremony of the upgraded Bogyoke Aung San Park on Kandawgyi Circular Road in Yangon yesterday evening.

At the opening ceremony the Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein said that the historic bronze statue of Bogyoke Aung San in Kandawgyi Nature Park was unveiled on 13 February in 1955, the 40th birthday of Bogyoke Aung San. He continued that the historic Bogyoke Aung San Statue and the Bogyoke Aung San Park was properly renovated and upgraded in order to be a high-quality beautiful park so that the people can comfortably pay tribute to the national leader Bogyoke Aung San.

Afterwards, the Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein, Yangon Region Hluttaw Speaker U Tin Maung Tun, Yangon Mayor U Maung Maung Soe, government officials, Hluttaw Representatives, and officials of Yangon City Development Committee inspected the historic Bogyoke Aung San statue, and the upgraded Bogyoke Aung San Park.

The Bogyoke Aung San Park had been renovated and upgraded by the Yagon City Development Committee since March 2020.

The Bogyoke Aung San Park is located at northern part of the larger Kandawgyi Nature Park area. The area of the Bogyoke Aung San Park is about 1.3 acres. The bronze statue was cast by an English sculptor Mr Copnell, in collaboration with Myanmar artist U San Pe in 1955. The height of the statue is 8 feet and 4 inches. The inscriptions on the pedestal of the Bogyoke Aung San Statue was suggested by leading poets Saya Zaw Gyi and Saya Min Thu Wun, former Prime Minister U Nu, the third Secretary-General of the United Nations U Thant and Colonel Ba Shin. —Myint Maung Soe


(Translated by Maung Maung Swe)