Broadcasting Governing Body holds meeting in Yangon

22 July


Broadcasting Governing Body (BGB) held its work coordination meeting (4/2019) at Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV) on Pyay Road in Yangon yesterday morning.


Chairman of BGB Deputy Minister for Information U Aung Hla Tun gave a keynote speech at the meeting.


Vice Chairman of BGB Permanent Secretary U Myo Myint Maung reported on programs for development of broadcasting.


Officials of machinery, management and financial divisions of MRTV presented reports on the progress in implementing the minutes of the previous BGB meeting and other accomplishments.


Then officials of FM Bagan, Padamya FM, Cherry FM, Shwe FM, Forever Group Co., Ltd (Mandalay FM and Pyinsawady FM) Shwethanlwin Media Company Limited, Family Entertainment Group, Mizzima Media Company Limited, DVD Multimedia Group Company Limited, Fortune Broadcasting Company Limited , KMA TeleMedia Holding Company Limited and My Multi Media Group Company Limited presented reports on difficulties. Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun looked into the requirements.—MNA (Translated by TMT)