Buddha Day on Fullmoon Kasone

6 May

By MaHa Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja, Sithu Dr.Khin Maung Nyunt

Myanmar Lunar Calendar of 12 months is full of Special Days and Festivals. These Days and Festivals are religiously, culturally, socio-economically important. All Myanmar ethnic nationalities celebrate, participate and enjoy these Days and Festivals till today.

Fullmoon Day of Kasone [May] is Buddha’s Day which is observed and celebrated by all Buddhist countries and Buddhists as Vesak Day. In Myanmar this day is celebrated by communal pouring of water on sacred Bodhi Tree initiated by performant of religious rites by Sanghas [ a group of Buddhist monks] and followed by groups of water pouring people on sacred Bodhi Tree [Bannyan Tree] or Nyaung bin. Bannyan Tree [Nyuaung bin] is a very hardy tree that can survive and flourish in dry soil and under warnest sun and weather. Botanically there is a variety of species and sub species. In Myanmar such as Bodhi Nyaungbin, Nyaung Chey htaung [with tong branders] long legs of branches. Nyaung Mauk Seik Nyaung bin with long mustaches.

There also vegetable Nyaung bin such as Nyaung chin where leaves are sour good for Sal land and Nyaung prince a cross bred of Nyaung bin and jack fruit tree.

Many villages, towns and places are named after Nyaung bin. Such as Nyaung Lay Bin Town [Four Nyaung bin tram sit place] Shwe Nyaung bin station [ Golden Nyaung bin tram-sit] Nyaung U Myo [Nyaung U] town at Bagan. Nyaung U Phe, name of one of King Anawrahta soldiers Nyaung gan Sayadaw very learned head monk. Nyaung Pin Win name of public quarters.

Because of intense heat caused by burning sum in Kasone even hardy Banyan tree need water. There are Myanmar saying wHul;a&ukef uqkefa&cef; [In Tagu, water is fully consumed, in Kasone water is diminished] wefcl;? uqkef? apGU apGUckH[ in Tagu and Kasone it is unbearalele] Kasone Water Pouring Festival.

On top of these reasons is the religious event of Lord Gotama Buddha being enlightenment gain Buddha hood under the shade of Maha Bodi Tree [ Lin Lunbin species of Bodi Tree] and his conquest of his opponent Satan, the Evil from above, riding Yaing mondin Mingla Elephant came down to dislodge Lord Buddha from his sea. In spite of satun’s strategies and tacties, Lord Gotama Buddha won sutan with his only implement where is nothing but metta [loving also kindness] and outh of Truth [opömXme] legend says that Golden of Earth [Vithunlari] appeared as the entire earth quaked and turned.

Goldes of Earth squeezed her long hair knot saying ”Here are the libation waters of how collected in my hair knocks to prove that.

Lord Buddha had done good works in his previous lives. So saying Golden of Earth squeezed her hair kinds where up all soldiers Satan were carried away by the tide of water.

That conquest of Lord Buddha over the Satan his opponet is the First conquest of Eight conquest of Lord Buddha by means of metta [ loving kindness] and sacca [the whole truth].

Pouring water on sacred Maha Bodhi Tree arrived in Myanmar since the time arrival of Buddhism to Myanmar in the Buddhist Era [Maha Sakarit 103] when two Mon merchants brothers Taphutha and Balika brought 8 strands of hair offered by Lord Buddha from his head, who was being enlightened under the Bodhi Tree [Ba tree in Gaya, India].

Later when Buddhism was moved to Lankadipa [Sri Lanka] by Bikhu main and Bhikuni Samya-mia, sun and dau of Emperor Asoka, the Maha Bodhi tree came to be known as Dhekhina Sakha Tree [The sacred Bodhi Tree in the South Myanmar believed strongly believed that leaves and earth of both Gaya Maha Bodhi Tree and that of Sri Lanka are sacred keeping off all dangers and all disasters and pandemic and epidemic discuses.

There are celebrations of pouring water on Maha Bodhi Trees across the country in Myanmar.

In Mandalay there is Bodhi Gone, in Amarapura and there are Shwe Kyet Yet and Shwe Kyat Kya [a&TMuuf,uf? a&TMuufus].

In Yangon, Shwe Dagon Pagoda and Sule Pagoda platform and in Inya Road there is Bodhi Gone Pagoda where water pouring ceremonies are yearly held.

After leading monk Sayadaws perform religious rites, parties of water pouring young, middle and old Myanmar followed. Dance, music and songs followed.

Refresh onto minds are served to all friends and strangers wishing everyone the enter living beings free and annual from all dangers, disasters and all pan dermic and discares.

May Myanmar and the entire world be free from current COVID-19 Virus the metta to all.