Build a compromise between employers and employees to set up a decent workplace



All workplaces including manufacturing industries, construction sites, man­agement and human resource measures, transport, healthcare, academies, security and so on are formed with different numbers of employees to operate respective functions.


Nature of workplaces

Depending on the missions and visions of the employers, the nature of workplaces is different even though they are in similar businesses. For example, the ac­ademic sector shows some private schools can admit hundreds of stu­dents in different classes with the strengths of teachers and teaching staff but some private schools limit the enrolment of students aimed at managing the proper ratio of students to teachers in order to thoroughly produce qualified students although they have the capacity to accommodate larger number of students.


Likewise, some private hos­pitals do not admit inpatients for treatment beyond the limit of beds. They do not commit careless treat­ment for patients rather than the capacity of physicians and health staff. Due to such a decision, not only hospitals and hospital man­agement personnel but patients can avoid accidentally and inap­propriately bad measures.


Grasping chances to show off capacity

Employees need to seek the best chance to show off their skills and capacity and how they can tackle the assigned issues. But, such kinds of chance will not appear many times. Sharpened employees can seek the chance and assess the opportune time when they should express their skills and capacity. Those who are sharpened and active to serve their duties and have skills to tack­le assigned issues can contribute much to their workplaces as well as themselves. Such outstanding employees will have rewards in the workplace. If they are out­standing more than others, pro­fessional workmates will never envy them for their rewards. One day, those outstanding employees will reach the deserved positions equal to their skills and capacity. So, if someone wishes to secure such kinds of positions, they need to follow the ways and means of outstanding employees and ob­serve how they try hard to improve their skills and capacity so as to contribute to the workplace. If not, their anticipation cannot meet the similar goals of the outstanding employees.


Try to understand the oppor­tune time

It is not an easy process. Most of the persons do not have such kind of IQ to overcome challenges in workplaces. It is because they do not have the skills to know the opportune time to do something. I those who are outstanding in workplaces cannot understand the opportune time to show off their skills and tackle the problems to be known by superior person­nel, they will not have complete success in their professions. It is because every employee expects incentives from employers, such as rank promotion, chances in work, the chance to pursue ad­vanced techniques, increased salaries or wages, cash awards, good recommendations, praise of workmates, putting their endeav­ours on record and so on. Hence, all employees need to analyze and assess themselves and seek weak points to improve themselves. If so, their future will be filled with good fortunes.


Responsibilities of employers

Primarily, employers need to boost their businesses with high-quality products meeting the set standards. They must empha­size management for the business­es to obtain the proper profits. This being so, they have to recruit quali­fied human resources aligned with their workplaces. It is a significant point that somebody qualified with high knowledge and techniques, learning in famous universities and institutions and receiving cer­tificates which mention the higher grade of qualification cannot be aligned with the workplaces. It is because those employees do not change their mindsets to be famil­iar with the relevant societies to accomplish the assigned jobs. As such, employers need to take care of recruiting human resources not picking out the inappropriate per­sons for the workplace. If not, the mindset of those inappropriate employees may cause downheart­edness and depression to other workmates. That is why employ­ers need to carefully recruit new­comers who must be new blood for the society, leaving those who are not conformed to the society.


Additionally, employees are responsible for directly or indirect­ly checking the workplaces and participants in various ways and means. It is aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the workplace and enhancing the physical and men­tal situations of the employees. Moreover, employers have to solve any problems in workplaces as well as workmates without delay. It is because such a problem will spark for destroying the society. Skilful management of employers will contribute to the workplace achieving success and encourage employees to expedite their efforts in manufacturing or work proce­dures of the workplace.


Negotiate all measures be­tween employers and em­ployees

Any workplace cannot be es­tablished without employees. Re­versely, employees cannot do any business under the leadership and management of employees. Both sides have to rely on each other to achieve accomplishments in run­ning the jobs. Only when employ­ers thoroughly manage the work­places with necessary facilities and fulfilment will employees and workplaces meet development. On the other hand, only when em­ployees make utmost efforts and show off excellent skills in work processes will workplaces improve with remarkable achievements and will employers earn greater profits.


An important role of unity in workplaces

Individuals in any society and workplace may be different in attitudes and perceptions. It is acceptable as these are the na­tures of living beings. However, those who rigidly grasp negative attitudes to analyze anything are unacceptable for relevant societies and workplaces. Those with differ­ent opinions can contribute much to development of the societies be­cause their different opinions are useful for considering all issues. But, the negative views and atti­tudes grasped by somebody may destroy the unity and harmony of the societies as well as work­places. As such, any societies or workplaces should remove those grasping the rigid negative views and attitudes.


As such, both employers and employees have to negotiate any issues to be solved together through collaborative efforts so as to seek the best way to march for­ward to the goal. Importantly, both employers and employees have to avoid leaks of secret measures and information from the workplaces and the internal affairs and so­cial affairs of their individuals. In addition, they should avoid any malpractices which may harm the society and individuals. They should not rigidly uphold the polit­ical, religious and racial problems in the daily routines of workplaces as these problems may generally cause controversial issues among them. They have to forge tranquil­lity and solidarity in the workplac­es and vicinity as much as possible so as not to sow hatred in their minds. Each of them has to forgive any unintentional mistakes and easily erase these mistakes under the fraternal spirit. If both employ­ers and employees dutifully serve their functions, it is sure that they can comprehensively overcome any challenges and respond to the effects of external. And, they have to forge their workplaces and soci­eties with patience, tolerance and compassion so as to minimize and remove problems and difficulties.