Buildings damaged by M6.4 earthquake in Albania

26 November

A powerful earthquake struck Albania in southeastern Europe on Tuesday, collapsing buildings and causing other damage.




The US Geological Survey says the magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Albania at around 4 a.m. local time.



The estimated depth of focus was 20 kilometers. The extent of damage is not yet known.

Albanian media showed footage of a collapsed building and rubble on the street. An EU staff member in Albania said on Twitter that a child was rescued from a collapsed building in a village close to the epicenter.

A staff member at a hotel in the town of Durres on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, about 20 kilometers from the epicenter, told NHK that there strong tremors went on for about 30 seconds, which felt like a long time.

The staff said power was out for about 30 minutes but later recovered. The hotel worker added that no harm was reported in the hotel so far but some of the other buildings in the area have been damaged.