Businesspersons urged to boost production of marine products meeting set standard

Deputy Minister for Agricul­ture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr Aung Gyi visited Two River Co, Ltd’s cold storage facility in west Gyogon ward, Insein Township, Yangon Region on 16 December and inspected the operations for exporting frozen shrimp to the UAE and the People’s Republic of China.


To meet the standards of export products set by the rel­evant countries, and according to the market demand, the dep­uty minister discussed turning out of employees every pro­cessing of industry, and the need for capacity building training.


He also inspected func­tions of the trawler jetty in west Gyogon ward in Insein Township, the jetty of Shwe Zinyaw Hein trawler jetty in Hline Township, and arrivals and departure of trawlers.


Officials reported on in­flow of 50,000 visses of fish per day, distribution to the do­mestic market, exports to the European market and other foreign markets.


The deputy minister in­structed officials to directly sell fish to people, ensure sus­tainability of fish resources in Myanmar sea and follow ex­isting laws for continuously capturing fish. — MNA/TKO