Call for political parties to prioritize national cause alongside party politics

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing highlights that political parties in the multiparty democratic system must have party political movements and implement national causes.


Yesterday afternoon, State Adminis­tration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met officials from registered political parties at the Bayintnaung Villa in Nay Pyi Taw.


At the meeting, the Senior General explained that the government had issued law amendments for holding the by-elec­tion after amending the Political Parties Registration Law to ease the work pro­cess of political parties, adding that Tat­madaw has guaranteed to continuously walk on the path to multiparty democracy and cement the process.


The Senior General noted that po­litical parties must be strengthened by initiating democratic practices in the party affairs.


He pointed out that although political parties may face some difficulties in party movements in some townships due to security conditions, they have to manage their movements in suitable townships to contact the people continuously.


The Senior General continued to say that party politics means organizing the people to accept their party policies and recruit new members while serving the national cause. The national cause must be first and party affairs second. In comparing the country and the party, they must prioritize the national cause.


He urged political parties to strive to build a future nation with educated human resources.


In forging peace and stabili­ty, the Senior General highlight­ed that Tatmadaw will not totally accept any demands based on armed struggle in the multiparty democratic system, without us­ing political means.


The Senior General recount­ed that the government initiat­ed the People’s Military Service Law to come into force, aimed at ensuring the security of the State and peace and stability, adding that the government will consider all measures of the law without burdens for the State. He clearly explained that it is necessary to manage serving of appropriate strengths in military service within the designated age limit. He disclosed that an order will be issued for the Re­serve Forces Act to come into force today in order to recruit war veterans on their demand for serving the State’s defence duties. Both laws will contribute to increasing the strength of de­fence capacity.


The Senior General under­lined that the successful holding of a general election depends on collaborative efforts of the government, political parties and people.

He disclosed that as now is the time to prepare for the forthcoming election, efforts are underway to hold a free, fair and prestigious election.


He underscored that among the 56 million population men­tioned in the 2019 interim census, 84.9 per cent of the population are engaged in agriculture, livestock and forestry sector, handiworks and related businesses, services and trading, and employees.


As such, the Senior General urged all parties to accept the concept that economic develop­ment based on agriculture and livestock must be a national cause.


Chairpersons, vice-chair­persons and officials from po­litical parties discussed partic­ipation in ensuring peace and stability of the nation, necessary measures for holding an elec­tion, and cooperation in social, economic, education and other sectors of the country, and their support to the enactment of Peo­ple’s Military Service Law.


Union Election Commis­sion Chairman U Ko Ko, Union Minister for Legal Affairs Dr Thi Da Oo, Union Minister at the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office No 1 U Ko Ko Hlaing and Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman U Sit Aye discussed measures of political parties, matters related to the People’s Military Service Law and the Reserve Forces Act, foreign policies, and anti-cor­ruption.


In his response, the Senior General pointed out that service personnel can cast votes for their favourite ones, but they must be clear about party politics. He urged all political parties not to infringe on Our Three Main Na­tional Causes.


The Senior General under­lined that all ethnic people have to forge the Union spirit and not commit any acts harming the Union spirit.


Also present at the meet­ing were SAC Vice-Chairman Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Council Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Council members Admiral Tin Aung San and Lt- Gen Yar Pyae, Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, officials, chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and officials from 42 registered political parties. — MNA/TTA