Cash aid provided to ethnic literature and culture associations in Rakhine State

Sittwe, 24 November


A ceremony to provide cash aid to ethnic literature and culture associations was held at the meeting room of the state government in Sittwe, Rakhine State yesterday.


At the event, Minister for Ministry of the state Ethnic Affairs U Tin Hla delivered an opening speech. After that head of the state Department of Ethnic Affairs and head of the state Department of Protection of Ethnic Rights clarified the purposes of the provision of financial assistance to ethnic literature and culture associations in the state.


Afterwards, Minister for the state Ministry of Ethnic Affairs U Tin Hla handed over cash aid to Rakhin, Khami, Myo, Thet, Daint(Thekkama), Maramarkyi, Asho(Chin), Sumtu(Chin), Laywl(Chin), Lauktu(Chin) and Oakpu(Chin) ethnic who live in Rakhine State.


Under this cash aid program, eleven ethnic groups in the state received Ks 500000 each for their Literary and cultural activities activities.—Tin Tun, District IPRD

Translated by JT