Cash aids provided to farmers for damaged crops 

Katha 9 July

A ceremony to provide cash aids to farmers for damaged crops due to natural disaster happened in Katha, Kawlin and Htigyaing Townships in Katha District, Sagaing Region in 2018-2019 FY was held at an office of the District Management Committee yesterday.

At the ceremony, an official from the District Department of Agriculture clarified the purpose of the cash aids and handed over the cash aids to the officials from the District Managment Committee. 

The Department of Agriculture provided K 45.6 million for 4568.5 acres of damaged crops in Katha Township, K 35.2 million for 1624 acres in Kawlin Township and K 73.8 million for 49020 acres in Htigyaing Township.

Present on the occasion were MP U Nyi Nyi Tun of Regional Hluttaw, officials from the District Management Committee and District and Township Departments of Agriculture, Township Administrators and departmental personnel. 

Ye Aung (IPRD)
Translated by Suyee