Cash aids provided to households with irregular income in Myawady Tsp.

Myawady 29 June


Amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the government provided basic foodstuff to households without regular income across the nation. Now, under the arrangement of government, a total of 10995 households without receiving basic foodstuff due to the various reasons in Myawady Township are being provided with K 15,000 each.


MP U Thant Zin Aung of Kayin State Hluttaw, Myawady District Administrator U Tay Zar Aung, Township Administrator U Phyo Zaw Ko Ko handed over K 15 million to a total of 1000 households at a village monastery. A total of K 164,925,000 has been provided to households with irregular income in Myawady Township via respective ward and village administrators on 26 June.

Man Than Shwe Myint (IPRD)


Translated by Suyee