Cash assistance, foodstuffs provided to senior citizens in Pobbathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw

Pobbathiri, 21 December

An event to donate cash assistance and foodstuffs to elderly people aged 65 and above was held in Yadanadipa Ward in Pobbathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory on 21 December.

Under this cash aid program, a total of 87 senior citizens aged 65 and above in Yadanadipa Ward in the Township received K 20000 each and foodstuffs worth K 2.15 million.

The event was organized by well-wishers, identified as U Myo Oo and Daw Thein Kyaing family from Yadanadipa Ward in Pobbathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw.

—Than Than Nwe(Pobba)