Cash assistance provided to offspring of staff of DRD in Lashio Twsp.

Lashio, 22 November


A ceremony to provide cash aid to offspring of staff of Department of Rural Development was held at the meeting room of Department of Rural Development in Lashio Township, Shan State (North) this morning in line with COVID-19 health guidelines.


Under this cash aid program, a total of 89 students including 53 boys and 36 girls from staff of Department of Rural Development in Shan State (North) received Ks 1.2 million. The financial aid was accepted by relevant staff.


Staff officer of the State Department of Rural Development and officials, officials from the District and Township Department of Rural Development attended the event. Official will provide offspring of staff of Department of Rural Development in other Towns in Shan State(North)—U Soe Moe Kyaw

Translated by JT