Cash for rice, supplies provided to flood victims in Katha

22 July


Aid including cash for rice, rescue equipment and utensils were distributed to flood victims in Katha yesterday.


Sagaing Regional Department of Disaster Management, Staff Officer’s Office and Township General Administrative Department went in the field and handed over money for rice and rescues equipment to people in flooded area, villages in upper Ayeyarwady River. 


In Katha, the Ayeyarwady River crossed its danger mark and reached 1088cm. Tone Ye, Late Tone, Painnal Chaung, Thet Kal Kyin villagers in low-lying area were flooded.


Officials from the Department of Disaster Management distributed the family kits and cash for rice to 800 people from 17 households who have not sifted to temporary shelters.


Speaker of Magway Region Hluttaw U Than, Regional Hluttaw Representative, U Nyi Nyi Tun, Director of Regional Department of Disaster Management, U Sa Willy Frank also toured the flood-hit areas and met with flood victims and gave necessary suggestion. On 17 July, officials disbursed cash and relief supplies to flood victims from villages located along the Ayeyarwady River in Katha Township.


With the high level of water in the Ayeyarwady River in July, a total of 2,468 villagers in Katha Township were shifted to relief camps for shelter. —Naing Lin Htet (Translated by Alphonsus)